Tax Resolution Services in Dallas

If you are looking to resolve tax-related issues in a swift and fully compliant manner, we invite you to contact the esteemed tax resolution specialists at Merit Tax Group. Skilled in business and personal tax resolution, we are here to resolve matters big and small. From IRS audits and appeals to asset seizures, we handle it all.

We believe there are no problems we cannot resolve. After sitting down for a consultation with our dedicated agents, you will start to feel the same way. Dial (972) 525-0991 to speak with one of our representatives today. Together we will restore your peace of mind.

Speak to an Expert.

Do Tax Relief Services Really Work?

Putting in the time to do your research to learn more about tax relief services and if they really work is always a wise move. However, when you choose a reliable tax specialist like us, you can solve problems quickly and regain the peace of mind you deserve—without bearing the burden of making those decisions on your own.

As industry leaders, we offer tax relief programs that are among the best and most affordable, which makes it easier and more accessible for you to use customized solutions that reduce your financial obligations and suit your goals and situation perfectly.

Our experts understand how local, state, and IRS tax laws work and how to remain compliant with these laws while addressing back tax debt and relief options. Our services give you the breathing room you need to get yourself or a business back into good standing order once more.

We can help with the following:

  • Partial payment agreements
  • Tax liens
  • Non-collectible debt
  • Transcript protest
  • Audits
  • Recovering payroll taxes
  • Delinquent tax returns
  • Penalty abatement
  • Levies
  • Garnished wages
  • …and much more

Phone our representatives to schedule an appointment to explore the benefits of a full suite of the best tax resolution services for individuals and businesses.

What’s a Tax Lien and How Does It Affect You?

A tax lien is a legal claim by a government entity against a property when the property owner fails to pay taxes owed to the government. This can include unpaid property taxes, income taxes, or other taxes. The lien serves as a way for the government to secure the owed amount and ensure it’s eventually paid.

Here are the typical steps in this process:

  • Assessment of taxes: The government assesses your taxes owed based on your property’s value or income.
  • Notification: You’re notified of the owed taxes and given a period to pay the amount.
  • Issuance of lien: If your taxes aren’t paid within the given timeframe, the government issues a lien against your property.
  • Public record: Your tax lien is recorded in public records, making it known to potential buyers and creditors.

A tax lien can seriously affect property ownership, credit score, and financial stability. Addressing unpaid taxes promptly to avoid the consequences of a lien is essential. Understanding how tax liens work and the steps to resolve them can help protect your financial well-being and property rights.

What Qualifies as Non-Collectible Debt?

Non-collectible debt may qualify for exclusion from taxable income under various IRS rules, including:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Insolvency
  • Qualified principal residence indebtedness
  • Non-recourse loans
  • Qualified farm indebtedness
  • Qualified real property business indebtedness
  • Certain student loan forgiveness programs

Proper documentation and reporting, typically through forms like IRS Form 982 and Form 1099-C, are essential to ensure compliance with tax regulations and to take advantage of these exclusions.

How Does a Transcript Protest Work?

A transcript protest is a formal written request for review by the Appeals Division of the IRS after the IRS issues a "Thirty-Day Letter" proposing an increased tax liability following an examination of your tax return.

The key steps in the transcript protest process are:

  • The IRS examines your return and issues a "Thirty-Day Letter" proposing an increase in your tax liability.
  • You have 30 days to file a formal written protest with the IRS Appeals Division, requesting a conference to discuss the proposed changes.
  • Your protest must state the specific actions being protested, your arguments, and the law or authority supporting your position.
  • When you file your protest promptly, your case is transferred to the IRS Appeals Division for an independent review.
  • The Appeals Division will then schedule a conference with you to discuss the disputed issues and attempt to reach a settlement.
  • If no agreement is reached, the Appeals Division will issue a final determination letter.

The transcript protest process allows you to appeal proposed IRS adjustments before the IRS assesses additional taxes. It triggers an impartial review by the IRS Appeals Division, often leading to a negotiated settlement of disputed issues.

What Will Trigger a Tax Audit?

Several things can trigger an IRS tax audit, including random selection, unusual deductions or income, math errors, and referrals from other government agencies. Taxpayers with high incomes, complex returns, or who run cash-intensive businesses are more likely to be audited. Claiming large charitable deductions, business losses, or home office expenses can also raise red flags.

The IRS uses computer screening to identify returns with unusual items or deviations from statistical norms. Referrals from whistleblowers, informants, or other government agencies can also lead to an audit. While most audits are random, understanding common triggers can help taxpayers avoid unnecessary scrutiny by filing accurate returns and maintaining thorough records.

Navigate Tax Issues with Professional Help

When dealing with tax issues, whether tax debt, audits, payroll, or a range of other problems, working with a professional tax resolution service can simplify the process and ensure you’re legally compliant. Tax matters can be complex, and the consequences of non-compliance and mishandling can be financially and legally devastating.

But that’s where the team at Merit Tax Group comes in. Our experienced tax professionals have extensive knowledge of tax codes and regulations and can help you deal with tax authorities and resolve your issues. Our team has the training to help you navigate tax issues, advocate on your behalf, and explore viable solutions tailored to your needs. With our experts in your corner, you can address your concerns comprehensively and feel confident in your financial standing.

Comprehensive Tax Resolution Services

At Merit Tax Group, we offer a comprehensive range of tax resolution services for customers in Dallas. Our experienced tax professionals are committed to helping individuals and businesses overcome diverse tax-related challenges. Whatever your needs or level of knowledge, we’re confident our team has the expertise to guide you through the complexities of the tax system.

With our industry contacts and professional certification, we’re equipped with the tools to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we have the expertise to resolve your issues efficiently and effectively.

Our tax professionals can be hired to help with the following:

  • Climbing tax debt
  • Tax lien and levies
  • Tax audits
  • Payroll tax problems
  • Innocent spouse relief
  • Offer in compromise applications
  • …and much more!

Honest Feedback and Advice on Your Tax Position

When struggling with personal or business taxes, it can be difficult to grasp the full scope of your situation and understand what steps are needed to resolve your position. Luckily for customers in Dallas, the team at Merit Tax Group provides honest feedback and reliable advice to help you navigate your tax situation with ease. We recognize the importance of clear communication and transparency regarding financial matters, so we take the time to assess your circumstances and offer candid insights into your tax standing.

We’ll help you understand your options, provide expert guidance on potential tax-saving opportunities, and develop a personalized strategy that aligns with your financial goals. Once we get your compliance concerns sorted out, our team can help you make informed decisions about your tax affairs and ensure you remain in good financial standing in the future. With our team, you get a trusted partner dedicated to your success.

Affordable Tax Resolution Services

When dealing with tax issues, working with a professional service is always best to ensure no detail is overlooked. When you hire the team at Merit Tax Group for tax resolution services, you get access to top-quality professionals at affordable rates.

As Dallas locals, we treat our clients fairly and do everything possible to achieve desirable outcomes. We never subject you to hidden fees, and our team provides transparent pricing information on all our services, enabling you to make an informed and confident decision.

IRS Tax Help Services

Are you facing penalties and searching for a company that offers IRS tax help? We’re glad you’ve found us! We aim to remove stress and hassle while helping you explore the many ways we can help you regain good standing with the IRS without breaking the bank.

Don’t put up with collections calls and letters piling up and plaguing you at the worst times of the day. Phone our team to get started and let us be your buffer, so you don’t have to work with the IRS directly or put up with their harassment any longer.

State Tax Resolution Services

If your tax issue lies at the state level, our state tax resolution services are what you need to come to a compromise that will rectify your standings and help you avoid incurring any additional penalties.

Find out what we can do for you today by getting in touch to set up a non-committal consultation appointment.

Land Tax Relief Service

When you’re looking for help navigating taxation laws and penalties surrounding land, our land tax relief service exists to help you regain sure footing and develop a strategy that works in your favor.

Let us assess your situation and offer you sure-footed guidance and representation to help resolve issues, putting them behind you once and for all.

Back Tax Debt Relief

If you haven’t had the time or resources to complete your returns for a few years (or more), our professionals are a perfect choice. No matter how complex you anticipate filing to be, we have the skills, resources, and education necessary to provide you with back tax debt relief and solutions that match your needs.

Learn more today by connecting with us to explore solutions that work best for you or your business.

Your Tax Resolution Experts

When you’re in a challenging tax situation, turn to an expert who can advise and guide you. An accounting expert can ensure you’re well represented and receive appropriate solutions to your tax problems. At Merit Tax Group, we’ve been in the tax business for a long time, and we know how to help both individuals and companies find the best solutions.

Tax resolution is the process of finding a solution between you and the IRS that can make your tax problems go away. You could need tax resolution services for several reasons, including improper filing, a return issue, or an audit. You want to ensure you’re prepared to handle these issues with an expert by your side throughout the process.

You can trust the experienced and licensed professionals on our team to give you the most accurate advice on any tax issue that you’re facing. Book a consultation with our specialists today by calling (972) 525-0991 now.

Reliable Tax Debt Settlement

When our customers contact us at Merit Tax Group, they may owe hundreds to thousands of dollars in back taxes and penalties to the Internal Revenue Service and have no clue how to settle their debt. Maybe you can relate to the stress of navigating constant collection letters, tax levies, wage garnishments and other measures the IRS takes to force you to pay them what you owe. We understand that you didn’t enter this situation voluntarily and are here to lend you a helping hand.

When you come to us for your tax debt settlement, we inspect and identify your tax issue and explore the options that make the most sense for your specific situation with the IRS. Our staff is highly qualified and professional, with their many years of experience in the field, they have the advantage of understanding the government’s perspective on the case alongside your own.

We will determine which solution the IRS is most likely to accept based on your requirements. We will then prepare the documentation on your behalf and submit it to the government. We will also explain the rules and qualifications that the government enforces in layman’s terms, so you are aware of what to expect going forward.

Tax Resolution for Individuals and Businesses

We provide tax resolution services, tax representation, and guidance to clients of all distinctions. Over the years, we have advocated on behalf of small business owners, entrepreneurs, and everyday families.

It doesn’t matter whether you are facing an IRS audit, or you are unhappy with the IRS’s decision to levy your bank accounts. We take a custom approach to every situation, ensuring we strike an agreement that suits you today, tomorrow, and many years in the future.

Helping Local Businesses

We believe that the business professionals in our region need adequate representation when negotiating with the IRS. When you find yourself needing help during your financial restructuring process, let us be the ones you call.

Resolve Years of Unfiled Taxes

If you have missed filing a tax return, you may go into panic mode when thinking about the consequences. Don’t fret and phone (972) 525-0991 to get our expert tax resolution services working for you. We have assisted countless taxpayers in getting current with their unfiled tax returns. When you work with our competent team, you will find your tax returns filed quickly and effectively, so you can rest easy.

You need our qualified team on your side when you navigate this complicated process. We have worked with numerous individuals in your situation to learn the situation inside out and all the relevant solutions that can help your situation.

Personal Tax Resolution

Did you fall behind on your taxes over the last few years? Are you currently speaking with a revenue officer, but you are not sure what options are available to you? Let us be the ones to assist you during this trying time.

Put your tax troubles to rest today. Contact our offices now to speak with a valued agent.

Stop or Avoid Tax Liens

If you owe money to the IRS and you have not made an effort to pay in full or make payments on time, one of the government’s first attempts at securing what they’re owed is to file a tax lien against you. Such a tax lien provides the government with a secured interest in your personal property, from real estate holdings to other financial assets. It is pertinent to remember that the IRS is an unwilling lender, to say the least.

Most taxpayers are intimidated by the thought of informing the IRS that they can’t pay off their debt easily, so they end up ignoring the situation or succumbing to the first offer the government makes to them. In all these scenarios, it is important to note that there are better solutions out there, and we can deliver them to you.

We can create a repayment plan that best suits your financial situation. This may be a monthly payment plan or a settlement where you can end up paying less than what you originally owed. Our experts will give you peace of mind knowing your tax issue is in good hands.

Audits, Appeals, and More

There are many reasons why people contact our offices. Some people need someone to decipher the difficult-to-comprehend written demands of attorneys, auditors, and other revenue agency affiliates. Meanwhile, other clients need adequate representation during an IRS audit or an appeal process. Rest assured, we can assist you in all these matters and more.

Tax Help Anytime

While tax season only comes around once a year, the problems that follow can happen at any time. It would help if you had a tax professional who’s available and ready to give you practical assistance all the time. At Merit Tax Group, we’re committed to providing you with the best advice and tax resolutions whenever issues arise.

If the IRS has notified you of a problem with your taxes, never worry about having someone to call. Our team is always available to give you the tax solution assistance you’re looking for in your moment of need. Please don’t wait for the tax problem to go away—it’ll only become more extensive. Get the help you need right away and make your tax issues disappear.

Taxation issues are never something you should have to handle on your own. When you need a tax resolution, our experts are here to serve you. We work around the clock to give you expert assistance that suits your schedule. Call us at (972) 525-0991 and get fast and reliable help with all your tax resolution needs.

Settlement Negotiation Strategies

There is no reason for you to correspond with IRS agents directly if you feel overwhelmed or slightly uninformed. To ensure the most advantageous outcome for yourself and your family or colleagues, we will instruct one of our tax specialists to communicate with the IRS on your behalf. They will negotiate favorable outcomes and repayment plans for tax issues such as:

  • Tax interest payments
  • Personal tax audits
  • Tax liens
  • Garnishments and asset seizures
  • And more

Give yourself peace of mind. Let us represent you in all tax-related matters.

Consultations With Your Dallas Tax Team

To give you the best guidance and advice on your tax issues, we need to have a complete understanding of your financial and taxation situation. At Merit Tax Group, we don’t seek resolutions without knowing everything we can about what’s going on. We always want to sit down with you to discuss your situation to see the whole picture.

At a tax resolution consultation, we’ll ask you about your tax history, financial situation, and tax problem to best understand how we can help you. We’re always on your side and willing to take the time to hear your experience. To find the resolution you’re looking for, we need to know everything we can.

No problem is impossible to solve, but we need all the pieces of the puzzle to solve it. Only this way can we seek a perfect resolution. Book a consultation with our tax resolution experts at (972) 525-0991 and get the help you need to get back on track.

Resolve Your Tax Issues Today

We believe that there is no such thing as an insurmountable problem. There are good solutions, poor solutions, and cost-effective and long-term solutions that suit your current financial situation. We opt for the cost-effective ones.

Resolve your tax issues today with the help of our experienced agents. Call (972) 525-0991 to schedule your consultation.

Contact us now to schedule a consultation
